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Black Girls Gather – A WIBCA Book Club have been nominated for the Gala Dynastie’s Initiative Of The Year Award!
Message from our Black Girls Gather Team. “We are honored to have been nominated for Gala Dynastie’s Initiative Of The Year Award! Thank YOU for highlighting our work, supporting our vision and believing in the young black girls we work so hard to celebrate. Lastly, THANK YOU to the West Island Black…
WIBCA Community Caribbean Brunch fundraiser.
Come out in support of our fundraiser CARIBBEAN BRUNCH taking place on Saturday, June 2nd from 11am – 2pm. General admission: $20.00 Children (6-12 yrs): $10.00 Children under 5 yrs: FREE Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door / Percentage of the profits will be allocated to WIBCA’s Scholarship fund. (514) 683-3925…
Our community has spoken!
WIBCA would like to take this opportunity to thank our guest panelists, poets, moderator, elected officials, law-enforcement and our community at large for the overwhelming participation at WIBCA’s 1st virtual Town Hall meeting. Our objectives set forth were accomplished and we will continue to mobilize as we prepare for a follow up Town Hall with…
Saturday Morning Tutorials – WIBCA’s freeTutoring Program
If you are a parent of a child in grades 1-6 or a teenager in grades 7-11, please communicate with our Education Coordinator at or call 514-683-3925 advising your interest in WIBCA’s free tutoring program taking place each Saturday from 10am to noon at Riverdale High School in Room# 257. On the spot registration…
FREE Kickboxing & Self-defense classes for women in 2020!
FREE Kickboxing & Self-defense classes for women @ WIBCA every Monday and Wednesday from 7:30-8:30pm starting January 6th. Registration is now open but space is limited. Email or call 514.683.3925 to reserve your spot.
Guess who was selected as one of 2021 Black History Month calendar Laureates?
Message from our Chairperson It is an absolute honor and privilege to have been selected as one of the 2021 Black History Month calendar laureates alongside outstanding individuals who during their journey have shown commitment, tenacity and longevity. Black History Month (BHM) is an opportunity for Black people in Quebec to come together and celebrate…